Your truck’s one-stop shop in Dallas, TX – IJA Truck Parts: Drive with Confidence!


We are glad you have chosen our IJA TRUCK PARTS store to find the needed products of premium quality and for low prices. Our working experience has won the favor and trust of a multitude of clients with whom we cooperate in various trading areas.

Fire Extinguisher For Truck

Fire Extinguisher

Mud Flaps For Truck

Mud Flaps

Warning Triangels For Trucks and Trailers

Warning Triangels

Wheel Hub Covers For Truck or trailer

Wheel Hub Covers

gaeaauto chrome straight spring loaded mud flap

Mud Flag Hungers

Hood Latch For Trucks

Hood Latch

Lights For Trucks And Trailers


Mirrors for truck


Tire Rack for trailer

Tire Rack

Wiper Blades For Truck

Wiper Blades

Air Horn For Trucks

Air Horn

Heavy Truck Accessories,Trailer Accessories

We are proud to offer different accessories parts from industry-recognized brands.

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delco brand 200x200
continental monroe brand 200x200
gabriel brand 200x200
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